A Vote for Nest is a Vote for DC!

The Nest DC team made a video!

Take time to check out the world premiere of our video and then click the link below to VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!

If you haven’t heard… there’s some friendly competition going on in the District, complements of the Washington City Paper’s anual “Best Of” readers poll. Nest DC has offered to give $5 to charity for every single vote we get this year! All you have to do is:

1) Click here and vote for Nest:

2) Email Emily at emily@nest-dc.com  and say I voted! (woohoo!)

3) Tell Emily in your email which of these charites you want YOUR $5 vote to go to!

DC Public Libraries

District Alliance for Safe Housing

Girl Scouts of DC

– Washington Animal Rescue League

Whitman Walker Health

Casey Trees

Every vote counts, so tell your friends, your office, your family, and your neighbors! What are you waiting for? Get voting!